Sunday, March 25, 2012

Independence Part

Finally on my own. Got my own todo list. Waiting to kick into high gear.

- Bills - check budget, call Mom
- Groceries - bread, milk, yogurt, granola, chicken - don't forget Rx - ask for receipts
- Email for application confirmation, send Mom personal statement, edit
- Get doctor's phone number, call on Monday - check insurance?
- Birthday gift for Dad - Hat from school store? book from thrift?
- Organize receipts
- Taxes? April, W2s from school and the store
- Pay rent on the first - include number and phone on check - transfer money
- Paint door...spackle?
- Boxes from store
- Look up dates
- Camping?
- Mom vacation, Dad stay
- Make appointment Monday
- Get paint
- Organize books and closet
- Clean kitchen
- Work order for door
- Deposit back
- Pick up paychecks, direct deposit?
- Call Mom about birthday
- Shave
- ManiPedi appointment
- Confirm plane tickets for Mom to pick me up

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